Monday, October 20, 2008


Well, it's done. Finished. Accomplished. I have helped my company successfully start AHC Home Care of Colorado. Two months ago we had only a plastic folding table and 8 white plastic folding chairs in what now constitutes a fully functioning and tastefully decorated business office.

Two months ago I was the only employee of AHC Home Care of Colorado. Since then I have learned a lot about the boss-employee interaction, paying bills and writing/signing business checks and payroll checks, recording and containing patients' confidential information, and a whole lot of federal and state and medicare guidlines that govern the operation of any business in healthcare. The survey, an in-depth audit of everything entailed in running a home health care, happened last week and went very well. The surveyor was very nice and even helpful in allowing us to fix most of the mistakes we had, which were minor, before she left Friday afternoon. We are now just waiting for the final go-ahead for us to start taking on more patients. I'm glad that worry is over, we were successful, and I can now get on with the business of making AHC Home Care of Colorado the most successful and profitable Home Care in the company!!